ok, just amazing...
ok people, if you have not yet played this game, then you do't know what you have been missing... The Stone is the best game of the GBA...
well you have a number of unit on your command and you have to free the continent of magvel form the evil Demon King whit the help of the sacred stones. but on the way some evil guys will try and defeat your 2 mai characters: Eirika the princess of renais and her brother ephraim, but whit the great skill of your friends you can defeat this evil guys under the orders of the grado prince: Lyon one good guy that simply was in the wrong place in the wrong time, who apparently was their friend, ha some friend they have lol.
i can't tell you no more, you'll have to play it and find out the rest for yourself.
To The Player of FE:
you'll agree whit me that this is the on of the best games in GBA...