Even today i still play this game. Never knew slaying dragons and evil magicians can be this fun!
First of all you must know what type of game this is. Fire Emblem is a strategy game where your characters are moving across a map in a grid like formation and to fight opponents. You and your opponent (The CPU) takes turns moving and placing your units at different points of the map and once they are adjacent to each other they can engage in combat. Different levels of the game have different objectives but they all have the basic concept of fighting each other in a strategic format. Objectives can be like Defeat the boss or seize the throne (Kill the boss on the throne and then get your main character to sit on it). After completing the level you would advance to the next chapter or if you would like to call it level.
Fire Emblems has a nice battle system too. For example every character has different classes. Some characters may be specialized in healing, magic, or physical fighting and to go even more in depth some fighters may specialize in speed, attack, defense etc.
Every class is based on 6 statistics and they are
Strength or Magic if your character is a healer or magical fighter- That determines your amount of damage but it also depends on the weapon you use
Skill - Many of you people will like to call it accuracy
Speed - The character with the higher speed can attack a second time (also depends on the weapon some weapons slows down the character)
Luck - Not exactly sure what it really does
Defense - Physical defense. Higher it is the less damage you take in from physical attack
Resistance - Magical Defense. Higher it is it the less damage you take in from magical attacks
It has an interesting storyline to it. About a guy named Eliwood and his companions Lyn, Hector and etc. trying to defeat a dark druid who goes by the name Nergal who is attempting to bring dragons back into the world... or something around that
I like the characters of this game and what i like even more is that you can press the R button on the character and read a little description about that character. The description may talk about their Past, Ambitions etc. What I find even more interesting is that you can have something called a support conversation where a little conversation pops up during a battle and its kind of like a little bonding moment between two of the characters and then the characters get stronger if they talk together more often.
Overall i'd recommend you this game. Sorry if you didn't really get my review =)