This is a great buy. Lots of time, difficulty is just right, and a great (though perhaps a bit 'same old') story. Lots of different characters to try and mix and match. The in-battle graphics are good, but to new FE gamers the map screen might look a little simplistic. Just something you have to get used to, though. The music in this game isn't bad at all. I think it has my favourite 'attack' battle music of all the FE games I've played thus far. The slightly modified quest for hard mode and the wealth of other characters to focus on and alter your team structure in subsequent playthroughs adds to the replay value. The automatic battery saves are an awesome feature, allowing you to shut off your GBA at any time and resume your game from exactly that point when you get back to it - a great feature for a game that takes a lot of time, and for on the road when you may happen to run out of battery life!
If you are a fan of strategy RPGs and you don't own this, there is something wrong with you. This was the first Fire Emblem game I played, and it definitely won't be the last.
Other Helpful Reviews for Fire Emblem: Rekka no Ken
Fire Emblem is a long series, in Japan at least. This is the seventh game of the series and is the only one that has been released in the US. Story: The story starts off simple enough so I will try not to give much o... Read Full Review
One of the most epic games out there.Featuring amazing gameplay elements,great anime inspired graphics,an epic storyline,amazing critical hits,epic music and to top it all off a huge load of replay value. This is one ... Read Full Review