Perhaps the greatest wrestling game to date.
First thing, the graphics are not the greatest in the world, for a 2007 game, the graphics are very old. They are like 2.5D instead of 3D. But that doesn't make it bad, its just has a more simple graphics system. So if your one of those people that only cares about graphics then rent it first (but I guarantee you'll like it if your a wrestling fan). The game does not offer a tutorial, which can make the controls interface confusing for new players, but after reading the manual a while and doing it you'll learn in a few hours. It's not like an Smack down Vs Raw game, to grapple you simply walk into a wrestler and they grapple automatically, the first person (you or the computer or one of your friends) to input a command will win the move. The game follows traditional japanese style wrestling, meaning you cannot just wail on a guy with your big moves 10 seconds into a match, you must beat him down with your weak and medium moves first.
The create-a-wrestler in this game is amazing. Your created superstars appearance can literally have millions of possibilities. The move sets are incredible, and there are tons and tons and tons of sweet moves to equip your wrestlers with. There are plenty of sites that have instructions on how to make wrestlers, so don't sweat it. Not to mention there's already about 200 already in the game wrestlers (who are all real people but just have different names to avoid copyright issues) the game has a dazzling array of japanese and female talent, but also includes the popular wrestlers, Kevin Nash, Sting, AJ Styles, Petey Williams, Scott Hall, Jeff Jarret, Tajiri, Andre the Giant, and many more!
The match types are fun, but limited. There's singles, battle royals, and several hardcore matches (no ladder match though) these are really fun but sometimes you crave more.
Overall, this game is amazing, and you must buy it! Even if you don't really like wrestling but just violence in general (the game has some boxers and UFC guys to!) and at 15 bucks on ebay and/or amazon, just buy Fire Pro Wrestling Returns!!!