fire pro returns puts SVR'08 to shame.the roster is massive,the replay value is great,and the CAW mode is just AWESOME!
User Rating: 10 | Fi-Pro Returns PS2
fire pro returns reminds us what a great wrestling game should takes us back to the days of WWF no mercy on the n64,when wrestling games were all about good gameplay and great CAW.not like the smackdown series with it's clunky controls,bad A.I,and a CAW so limited that you wanna take your dreamcast out of the closet and play fire pro D all through the night.(note to thq:3d graphics alone do not make good wrestling games,nor does small rosters and cheap CAW.a truly great wrestling game has to be fun for all hardcore fans.)so if anyone wants a game to play on their PS2,pick fire pro returns,trust me you won't regret it.