Fire Pro Wrestling Returns...but for what reason?

User Rating: 3 | Fi-Pro Returns PS2
I saw this game at Kay-bee toy stores for $9.99 and thought I was getting a deal for a great wrestling game for 10 bucks. Boy was I ever disappointed. The game starts off interesting but then you realize how cheap this game really is. It has pluses don't get me wrong, you can choose up to 300 wrestlers, theres plenty of moves, you can create your own titles and superstars and company, and has several match types...but thats where the fun stops and the ugliness begins. You have 300 wrestlers but for the most part there fake or fake copies of true superstars, like a fake Bret Hart and fake Sting, fake D'Lo Brown, fake etc. etc. This gets boring after a while. And the moves while plentiful are very hard to get off because if the auto grapple system they apply and the timing thing you have to press at the right moment or the computer will almost always beat you to a move (like 80% of the time). Theres no season(it has a season type mode, if thats what they call it but its bad) or storylines, the entrances to the ring are generic at best, and the graphics are like a SEGA game. Where in the next Gen of gaming and they give you a cartoon like SEGA game? WHY?

So all in all get this game for its cheap price but if you have SD vs Raw 2008 or as soon as you get it you won't be playing this game as much if not at all. How can Gamespot rate this game higher than a WWE game. Madness. 3.0 rating from me.