Really good?!!

User Rating: 8.5 | Firefighter F.D. 18 PS2
This was a very good game and hands down one of my favorites. The graphocs were exellent, the controles rocked, it was one of those game 2 pplay over and over again, the story was very good as well. The only part I didnt like was that the bosses were infernos, wildfires, hellfires, angelfires and chemical fires, which was awsomem exept they exagerated their capabilities a bit and it wasnt like fighting a fire, while the other fires went out like they would in real life. These fires would shoot fireballs, make things like clothes start flyiing around and chasing you, they woud aim at you, and the worst part was it took FOR EVER to take out there "life bars" and they would not go out like they would in real life. But other than this it was an exellent game.

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