The Game You Can Play Between Spreadsheets Without Ruining Your Career
The trick of the game is that the further along the breeding line you get, the rarer the fish become and the more fragile they become too. As a breeder, you need to try and make money to upgrade the quality of the tank environments and food etc. You do this by selling off your creations.
Of course you may end up selling off fish that might have led you towards the hold grail of the seven magic fish. But then again you might not.
This game is all about paying attention to what you are doing and how you managed to create the fish that appear.
All in all, a very clever puzzle game wrapped up in a delightful wrapper.
The best bit about this game though, and which to my mind makes it unique, is the on/off gameplay. You can spend five minutes fiddling about with your fish - feeding, moving between tanks, making some pregnant etc. And then you can close the game and leave it for a couple of hours while you get on with your dissertation, board report, financial statement or web design. In the background the game will be working away and growing your fish.
The screensaver mode makes this really come alive though. Obviously you won’t be able to see what your fish are doing while the game is closed. And yet if you pop off to the coffee machine or water cooler, you can arrange it so that you come back to your very own full-screen fish tank screensaver that shows your fish in your tanks.
Overall I would say that this is the perfect office PC game. You get drawn in, but you don't spend hours playing. Surely the perfect toy for avoiding the wrath of your boss? And you get the brilliant screen saver built in too!
Well worth the asking price.