Taking a page from Another World...in some cases literally!
Because i was FAR too young to remember most games from the very early 90s, i can vaguely remember seeing images of Another World on the Atari...the infamous moment when your captured and you convince the gaurd to free you, and both of you escape from the facility your in.
Flashback kind of takes this whole idea on, e.g the atmosphere and enviroment in some aspects...it adds a cheesy early 90s soundtrack to it so you kind of feel like your in a Beverly Hill Cops movie heh ;)
In anycase the game i remember was like Prince of Persia but in the future. Very hard platforming elemtns, some parts later are i found almost impossible therefor frustratingly horrible.
Though for its time the graphics i thought were amazing. It uses the same graphics as Another World so both of these games i thought were ground breaking in graphics for there time.
Of course now thats all differant...but for a Retro aspect i guess this game kind of still lives on inside me....i think the most memorable moments about Flashback and Another World for me was the atmosphere. Ignoring the stupid soundtrack, it really caught a good sense of lonenliness which is increadibly hard to catch in a game, even a platformer like this one!!!
Very cool game for its time, though i think if you wanted to play a platform game with a TRUCK LOAD more atmosphere, Super Metroid wins hands down.