FlatOut 2 continues the series with the same passion and spirit as the first game.
Like the first game, FlatOut uses destructible cars and environments to play in. Apart from the career mode, there is a new, stunts mode where you take your ride to jump high and get points. It is another huge success from the developers of the series. But despite all these, as it is happens to almost every sequel, FlatOut 2 has lost alittle something from its atmosphere and vibe.
Almost everything is as it was in the previous game: the multiplayer mode is as good as ever, in both online and LAN connection, while the details are very realistic and extraordinary as they should.
But visually the game lost a bit of the previous amazing detailed system: it seems that now the developers gave balance between performance and graphics, decreasing something from the great details the game had, but increasing the speed and high performance in almost every PC, thus giving the game a new interest. It is also very positive that the soundtracks and voices are so much improved in contrast with the first FlatOut.
FlatOut 2 remains as good as the first was. While some cons are now fixed, other problems are revealed, preventing the series from improving so far.