Flatout Ultimate Carnage is console conversion done right!
Flatout Ultimate Carnage for the xbox 360 is an updated version of Flatout 2 on the PC, although this game is relatively similar to the PC version and resembles much of the same features it is however new in many ways.
The game comes with a catchy new title but thats not all, the graphics are one of the noticeable big improvements in this game featuring sharper textures, more realistic vehicles, stunning environments, life like physics and more. The vehicles are equally as good in quality as any other great racing game on the xbox 360 but the plus side is that it includes a incredible damage model, the vehicle can almost entirely be smashed up. The backgrounds and scenery match the graphical qualities of the vehicle and include the same destructable feature. The rag doll physics of the game adds to the dectruction factor, cars can be tossed around left, right and centre, when you crash into obstacles the obstacles bounce realistically and collisions with other vehicles are convincing. Lighting and reflections are yet another major improvement, the water was acceptable on Flatout 2 but in Flatout Ultimate Carnage it is photo realistic along with impressive splashing effects. All this amazingly doesn't come at a cost or compromise, the frame rate is silky smooth even during replays so gameplay can't be interrupted and therefore gives you the full smashing experience.
The sound blends well with the graphics, all of the necessary sounds you would expect are in this game. The background music goes well with the theme of this game, as vehicles scrape against another vehicle you can hear the crunching of the metal.
Xbox live, with the added ingredient of the xbox live online capabilities players can play easily against other Flatout fans across the xbox live system. Unlike the PC version you can earn achievements which is an identity of how good you are and an incentive to play more, achievements also add to replay value, Achievements encourage online play and competition which helps get more out of the game.
The pick up and play style of the game adds a lot of value to the game and will keep you coming back, if you like racing in short bursts, thinking of trying a new game or just like plain fun then look no further than Flatout Ultimate Carnage.