Worse than a port: the content is 100% identical to the X360 version, but the performance is not.
The worst port since HALO.
First off, they didn't they even bother to change the references to buttons on the X-Box controller (A, B, X, Y) to keyboard buttons.
In term of graphical performance it's a disaster as well. For instance, there is no multi-GPU (SLI or Crossfire) support. Flatout 2 runs smoothly on an old, single 6600GT on high resolution/AA/detail levels. On the very same system, FOUC is hardly any prettier and has like, 2 FPS, even on low detail. On a better system (8800GTS), which ran Crysis smoothly on high detail, FOUC achieves 10 fps on low detail. Something is very wrong here.
Thirdly, you are forced to create an Xbox Live account, even though you are playing it on PC. But if you don't, you cannot play the career mode. Either way, there is no LAN play, for which FO2 was more than perfect.
Lastly, the whole game is nothing but a slight overhaul of FO2 in terms of added content. So the bottom line is this: you take FO2, make the graphics 5 percent prettier, the system requirements a 100 times higher, you add a few cars and tracks, take out LAN play and put in Xbox Live and Xbox buttons a PC user doesn't want anything to do with and there it is. The worst game of 2008 so far.
Being a FlatOut2 fan I have been looking forward for this title for very long, but the disappointment is beyond belief.