This ain't your sister's DDR. Unfortunately... it's not yours either.
Now, if you're tired of all the techno/ electronic music usually present in dance games, this may be for you. Pretty much all the songs this game have to offer are hip hop. "Urban" if you will. They're enjoyable but the lyrics are the reason for this games' T rating. No problem for most unless you're that cute little kid down the street. Please don't taint your mind with that. Anyhow, yes, the songs are nice. Though at this point I'm not sure how many are avaliable in game. I'm guessing 30-50.
Now onto the graphics. They're not spectacular by any means. Of course, they don't have to be. It IS a dance game after all. But the scenes that go on while you're dancing can get a little boring or repetitive. The character does his little break dance moves... it's not like you can watch it if you're playing. Even if you were a spectator, it's not something you enjoy watching. The dance interface (thing) is strikingly similar to DDR. The arrows go in exactly the same directions and the only noticable change is that jump steps are marked. Also, the arrows don't vary in color. Something else kinda worth mentioning is that if you're doing pretty good in your steps... the arrow bar at the top of the screen goes like "bang". I really have no idea what the use of that is.
Difficulty? For the most part, it's toned down. You won't find anything in the way of a 9 or 10 footer here! I'm not even sure if they have any real 8 footers... So, the "expert" mode which is their equivalent of heavy mode is more on par with DDR's standard mode. From this, I assume that the other 2 levels are downgraded as well.
Let's talk about the story mode. You have to play through it to unlock various songs, costumes, and characters. For some reason, I was reminded of Burnout... Don't ask me why. Each level has 10 different challenges you must beat to gain each of the extras. It starts out simple enough with things like "get a 10 combo" and what not. But it progresses extensively when you get to stages 8-10. A beginner would not be able to do these for SOME time. Even I had a small bit of trouble with a few stages. Apparently, DDR didn't train me well enough? So, the only real motivation to play story mode is to unlock things. There is no actual "story" to speak of.
Overall, this is an okay game. If you like your hip hop music, I'll recommend it more easily. If you despise hip hop than stay AWAY. Far away. Or I suppose I can recommend it to dance fanatics. Get it to feed your need until the next DDR comes out. Or ITG or what have you. So, it's decent. But why not spend your hard earned money elsewhere? Spend it on a less... "urban" game.