The ony negative point I can really find for Flow is that its limited to just four levels although the game is designed to just pick up and play for a casual break from rather crazy games and FPS's. Flow is possibly the most innovative Playstation 3 game released to date. Flow is a rather relaxing game and is particually useful if you have had a rather hectic game session and want a short break. Flow takes full advantage of the Sixaxis and it is here Playstation 3 users can learn how to it. All in all Flow is a great game and is well worth the download.
In the world of gaming there are a wealth of games which are easy to cIassify such as shooters, RPGs, and so on. However, there are select titles whichare difficult to pidgeonhole into a single genre and flOw is one of t... Read Full Review
Good: Gameplay is so Simple its addictive! All the pretty colors will make want to relax more then play. you can play this for hours when your bored! Dam its an awesome game for people who want to just relax. but can an... Read Full Review