Flower is the best game to hit the PSN yet, and a huge breath of fresh air.

User Rating: 9.5 | flower PS3
It really is startling to see how closely video games and simulated killing have become interwoven. Even child-friendly characters such as Mario are little more than pastel colored turtle squashers deep down. It is for this reason that Flower is so deeply refreshing, as this is a game that celebrates the miracle of giving a life instead of glorifying the act of taking one.

Throughout Flower's two hour "campagin" (and I'm using that term very loosely) players take control of the wind itself and restore life to desecrated areas. The feeling of flight, controlled using the Sixaxis' motion sensing abilities, is one of liberation. As more and more flower petals are added to the ever-growing procession, musical notes are queued and bright colors surge across the screen, creating a relaxing and absorbing atmosphere. It really is impossible to convey exactly what playing Flower is like without some hands-on time, because it is unlike anything else. It is, in a word, superb.

If all of this flower collecting and relaxation don't exactly sound compelling, rest assured that there is a loosely structured game underneath Flower's relaxing exterior. Each of the six levels contains three hidden flowers that take some persistance to find, and themes such as purity vs impurity and modern society's impact on nature form a very loose story. Trophies also add extra layers of replayability to an otherwise pretty short game.

Flower explodes off of the screen thanks to the rich hues of green, yellow, red, purple, and blue that saturate the game's presentation. The masterful usage of color serves to create a great contrast between the dark, unpurified zones and the pretty restored areas. In a way, Flower succeeds at manipulating our emotions without making overtly obvious. The darker areas feel more genuinely depressing because of how they contrast with the elating pure areas. This is easily the prettiest game on the PSN, and with titles such as Pixeljunk Eden and Everyday Shooter already out, this is a huge accomplishment. The audio presentation is excellent as well. A nice orchestral soundtrack accompanied by ambiet sounds make for a very relaxing ride.

Flower is as much a game as it is an experience. It is beautiful and artistic, and addictive because it is so relaxing. Simply put, this is one of the most inspiring games I've played in years.

Graphics: 10/10: I've never seen grass this beautiful.
Sound: 10/10: Always creates the perfect mood.
Gameplay: 9.5/10: Simple and relaxing, but lacking a bit of depth.
Entertainment: 9.5/10: Relaxing and refreshing, Flower is a real winner.