Fly for fun is at first a very fun looki ng game, a big world were many players come together and play. The gameplay ids really confusing because you are only told how to do the basics, the rest you need to figure out by yourself. The graphics are good, but they could be much better. The ability to be unique in the game is very small, there are only a couple of different classes of solider you can be. And none of them are really that great. I think flyforfun is a fun gae onece you are in the levels above 60, but t hat brings out another problem. Leveling up is super difficult, and is you are a beginnit is even harder. I will recomedn people to dowload this game and try it. is you don like it just erase it.
I started playing this game not too long ago and the controls are identical or similar to almost every other PC based RPG out there so while there is a tutorial it's really not needed if you've ever played an RPG before.... Read Full Review
MMORPG players familiar with the scene will immediately think of RO ("Ragnarok Online") upon first installing Flyff ("Fly For Fun") - at least, I did. Even the music was written by soundTemp, the same... Read Full Review