So far so good! This game totally creates a bewitching atmosphere with vibrant environments and spectral sounds!
Gameplay & Controls:
I cant think of a better control scheme than what game has already. The sixxaxis works very well, and it doesn't require much movement, so +10 awesome points for lazy gamers who often rant about the Wii's demanding of physical contributions to make intercourse to its gaming glory. You basically only use the sixxaxis motion when you absorb things, and all you do is jolt the control pad a bit. Camera is GOOD, when your in a place where you cant fight (like a town) you can't adjust the camera, but that isn't a big deal. My only little complaint is that the camera is a bit slow, I'm probably just too used to Ninja Gaiden's camera (which pans really fast when you need it). Graphics:
Not exactly pushing the PS3's hardware to the limits (runs at 720p), but it looks beautiful. Walking around the Netherworld stages as Ellian is a treat for the eyes, it truly defines the word "fantasy". The vibrant color mixtures and lighting really grace the environment. After playing this game, it makes me want to lower the score for other games I've reviewed, graphically speaking that is. I think Disney should do a full CG movie of this game because Folklore's concept and inspiration can really stretch the imagination, also because most Video Game movies suck basketballs. Sound:
The musical score for this game is nearly perfect, play this game with the lights off and some decent speakers will really get the mood going. Not only the musical score is good, but the SFX also please me to the power of 10. The voice acting, well they should have just made the entire game voice acted. Well actually when you hear some of the voice acting, maybe you'll decide that its a good idea that it isn't... It's not that the character's voices sound bad, but at times I feel that there should be much more emotion at certain parts.
Content & Replay Value
Well this is usually the biggest part of my review, but I've only put in a few hours into the game. Big woop wanna fight about it? I've gotta hit more balls at this fat kid. The storyline is a bit fast paced, it kinda jumps into everything. But there is a lot of content, there are 2 storylines to play, and each storyline has different levels and a different character. Basically you go to the Netherworld for a certain amount of time to do "things", man I'm detailed arent it? I've gotta hit more balls at this fat kid. I've only played the girl so far, but basically you're looking for your mother, and she isn't in the kitchen making lasagna either. Perhaps shes in the kitchen of the netherworld cooking food for all the dead @ssholes floating around. You can even go online and download new maps or something. Let me talk about the fighting for a bit, man this is important. Well basically you get A LOT of different monsters to fight with, like 50 or something, thats like Link having 50 different weapons. And all of these monsters level up, and do new things, and you have 4 selected at a time. It's is REALLLY cool how some of these monsters attack, like if you have the sabertooth tiger looking monster, assign it to triangle perhaps, hit triangle and a sabtertooth tiger pounces from you to slash at the enemy, how cool is that??? Absorbing things never gets old, it feels awesome whenever you absorb something, and you can absorb every monster for experience points (or in some cases, the monster itself compete with its abilities). You absorb with by jolting your control pad slightly, like I mentioned earlier, and the sound and animation is perfect and brief! This is an RPG game, so you will spend a lot of time, exploring towns and talking to people or mysterious beings to gather information. The storyline is decent enough to keep me interested, and there are plenty of other elements of this game that will keep you going also. Well I've gotta hit more balls at this fat kid.