Much better than Gamespot's review gives it credit for.

User Rating: 9.5 | FolksSoul: Ushinawareta Denshou PS3
I'm really amazed at some of the low scores Gamespot tends to give to fresh new orignal games such as Folklore. It's not a 10, but for a gamer like me that can't be bothered with games like Oblivion...(I HAVE other things to do! lol) and for more casual gamers, Folklore is incredibly addicting and immersive. Great visuals, music, voice acting.. and FUN to play. I'd give this one a chance. For the hardcore gamers that like Oblivion and don't have full time jobs, maybe renting this game would be best since it's shorter than games like this. ...but still worth the money with the game editor options. 9.0