A unique experience that should not be missed by anyone who likes a mature action RPG

User Rating: 9 | FolksSoul: Ushinawareta Denshou PS3
I was apprehensive about buying Folklore for the longest time. I had played through the demo a couple of times, and I just wasn't sure if the story or gameplay appealed to me. FInally, I decided it was worth a purchase, and it was well worth the time and money.

Folklore is a unique game unlike many games that all seem to follow a very similar path. The story is a dreary, murder mystery that will have you hooked from start to finish. The gameplay is very enjoyable as well. It reminds me a little of a game on the Gamecube called Lost Kingdoms, but Folklore is much more refined. Using Folks "mosters" to defeat other Folks is very engaging and will have you constanly wanting to find the next.

Graphics - Like many have stated, technically the graphics aren't amazing. They are above average, but not amazing for the PS3. The art style is where the game shines. Each realm of the Netherworld is gorgeous, and the town of Doolin fits the atmosphere so well, it's amazing. Near the end of the game, I felt like I was leaving a place I had been for years. It's a lovely little town regardless of the torrid past it has. The characters and Folks are all very unique and look great. The animation is nothing to complain about.

Gameplay - I don't need to tell you how the game plays. You can watch videos, or play the demo, but if you're like me, don't judge the demo as a final product. The "folk collecting" gameplay gets very addictive after a couple of hours, and the Folk you gain have some very useful, and for a lack of a better term, cool looking moves. Collecting information on the murders in the town of Doolin was a very enjoyable part of the game for me as well.

Sound - The sound is great in my opinion. Although, there weren't alot of voiceovers, the voice overs we do get are great, and add alot to the story, and the music is just great. I will remember music from Folklore for years to come.

Story - Excellent. If you enjoy a supernatural/murder mystery, you should be all over Folklore. Some people may hate the comic book style cutscenes with no voiceovers, but I thought it was a very unique way to tell a story, and I loved it. It was a gamble on the developers part, but it paid off for people such as myself.

Overall - If you're on the verge of buying Folkore, and you don't know what to do, just buy it. I doubt you will regreat it. The graphics are lovely, the gameplay is fun, and the story is excellent. A true PS3 gem that will get lost in the crowd. It's sad, because Folklore is truly a 9/10.