Football Manager is brought to the PSP. Great football management game and quite addicting. Missing some PC features.

User Rating: 8.2 | Football Manager Handheld PSP
Football Manager Handheld is football manager 06 except its on a PSP.

Good Points:

PSP makes good use of simple controls, easy to use, big database on a small disc, a lot of PC features included, some neat features thrown in there... 1 sound effect gives risen battery time, can be played for hours without quitting, addicting.

Bad Points:

PSP does not include whole database, a lot of players prices are different to PC versions, 2D match engine is gone :( , some features gone, wheres the team talk? not as many nations as we would like to have. more sound effects and more colourful graphics may have been good.

It's good for footie fans so i do recommend it anyday