OK its an Update for all you mustang fans or just buyers~!
this game seriously its so stupid i dont know why i wanted it for christmas!!
ok so you like play and play and get your style points up, WELL guess what the style points end at like 60,000 its so stupid~!
mmk there are NO cheats except i herd this one from this other site that doesnt really work you can just hold done on the (X) button and you get the same effect NO BIGGY but yeah seriously before opening this game you just bought PLEASE TAKE IT BACK ITS NOT REALLY WORTH IT!!!
YES, the game it fun.. i got addicted very fast cause thats all i did cause im not 16 yrs old yet so i dont really do anything and its christmas break!! but yeah enough of my story of how i got addicted ok well yeah its an OK game, if you think you can beat it i have had this game since like monday and i have beatin alot of it like i have beatin all of the style points~
But like you really can do anything else cause like seriously when you do the slalem challenge i recamend doing LONG BEACH cause its way, way easyier then all the others and you get to drive a 1970 BOSS 302 yeah i know its hott
When choosing the Time Challenge you get this red ugly thing i think it like 65 IM NOT SURE BUT , thats just tords the begining then when you get like 40,000 style points you get the mustang GT concept its really fast becarefull on the turns there a doozzy
o0o and if your wanting style points really fast i recamend the CAREER MODE cause you get some (MAJOR) pointage fast ( not like really fast) but faster then when doing the challenges!!
ok so there is that game's INFO cause i done with that game cause i think it **** SUCKS MAJOR BALLS!!