Not a Quite a Coaster
User Rating: 5.5 | Ford Mustang: The Legend Lives XBOX
Coaster is what some call crappy DVD or CD media. This is not something I'ld set my drink on. The Other Ford Racing games are, but this one just misses the redline of being full on crap. For a Super fan of Mustangs [like me] It's worth keeping, if just to be able to drive the models NEVER SEEN in any other games. Just about every Mustang from it's invention to Mid 2005 is here. I had fully figured this to likely be another crappy quick release by an unknown developer, which it pretty much is, though quite tolerable seeing I was never planning to earn anything, but instead simply use the action replay to get a completed save. I really was just curious to see ALL the mustangs at once. All [but the recently introduced shelby and saleen] are here. From first starting up the game, I could already do without this stupid gameshow host voice saying everything I choose [OPTIONS...QUICKRACE...CHOOSEYOUR MUSTANG....CHOOSEYOUR TRACK]. The sound options are Music and Sounds, so you can't turn him off alone. The music selection is crappy, there's like... 3 songs, so I just turn it off and play my own stuff. The graphics are smooth but the overall feel is VERY arcadey, this is by NO means a simulator. I actually prefer arcade myself, no needless spin-outs or pit-stops to slow me down. the challenge is ridiculous, the opponents are always way ahead, good thing I don't care that much about winning in THIS game. I really just plain and simple wanted a game where I could drive a 1999-2003 mustang, rather then the 2005 redesign that's in like every game that has a mustang now, I don't hate it, but it's not MY favorite model in the mustang's history. Basically I say Expect the Worst [like I did] and maybe get a little more than you bargained for [like I did]. I'ld say Worth 5.99 TOPS [mine was free from a friend who paid 9.99], don't pay anymore for it, and don't even consider it if you don't absolutely love all mustangs.