Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone is a very good game. The graphics are really good, especially those in the cut scenes. They look like the paintings that you sometimes see in Fantasy media, especially those found in the Icewind Dale games. Anyway it is really well done. I am not a fan of the button masher. Too many combos to rmember (even though this has far fewer than most) but at least it is an RPG in as much as you can level up your character and equipment. The voice acting is very well done and adds to the overall effect of the Forgotten Realms world, specifiaclly Kelban and Drizzt. There are a few dissappointments though. There are not enough good missile weapons. The ones that the characters have aren't very good (except the mage spells). Also, there aren't enough spells. The ones that you learn in higher levels replace the lesser power ones. This may be to ease some of the complexity for the console, but..... Another problem is the cut-scenes. Although stunning, once I have died more than once (if you do die, it's more likely going to take 10 or more tries to pass that part), you don't want to see the stupid cut-scene everytime. No choice in the matter. It is also too long in between saves. It can be almost 20 mins of gameplay between saves. That is of course barring any deaths. And no multiplayer? Have these companies learned nothing yet? I'm not talking live, just multiplayer. One of the most annoying things about the whole game is the camera angles. You can't change them, and that makes me mad. If you can use missile weapons (spells or others), then you should be able to see them. Demon Stone is still really worth playing. It is relatively short for experienced players, but it is a lot of fun, especially for fans of Forgotten Realms. One last thing, the story was very good and it was written by R.A. Salvatore. Enough said.
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When I first heard about Demon Stone, the inner D&D dork in me decided that I must have this game. After all, I’ve got the rest of the Forgotten Realms games, mostly consisting of the Baldur’s Gate and Dark Alliance ... Read Full Review
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