Lacks online suport,eyetoy cameo and other stuff,F1 06 is a great but is a letdown from F1 05.

User Rating: 8 | Formula 1 06 PS2
F1 05 was an amazing,spectacular game based on f1,but,the sequel is an improvement?No.

When you first see the graphics,theres no problem,everything looks decent and theres no frame rate problem,has the same exact graphics.I mean,theres nothing bad but is still a letdown,and theres no change whatsover.

The gameplay is the same as his preccessor,so theres nothing new to tell here,except the pitstops,and the AI is the same as his prequel,and the difficult is still very easy,although the carrer mode is long to complete and to have all the game complete you wil take a fairly amount time to complete,i can't still fill that i am against real drivers,theres no changes whatsover.

The music and the sounds are decent,the music is amazing but the sound efects from the cars,sound like vacuum cleaners,and the voiceover is good enough

Overrall:A great game but without any changes whatsover.

WE ARE RACING!!!!!!!!!