Let's start this review peacefully, and try to continue this way... Forsaken World is an typical Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game that let's be simple and obvious, it sucks and it is not fun at all... I have played tons of online games in all this years and I can ensure to you guys that I never felt so bad playing one... I was really annoyed and disgusted by the gameplay mechanics and animations, this is not because they are violent or disgusting/filled with gore but because it is uninspiring and so freaking repetitive to the point that after 6 hours of gameplay I just uninstalled it. (Remember that this experience might have changed since I made this gameplay experience some time ago)
Story: Don't expect and amazing story here like World of Warcraft or even Aion... But don't also expect an simple but effective story like Darkensang or Tera... The story in this game is completely useless and it feel's disconnected and so much forced that it will makes you question of what is the point? This is the same problem that I had with Dragon's Prophet's, but in this one at least it turned out to be interesting right after level 12, in Forsaken World it doesn't. Overall the story is bland and annoying to the point that the quests feel useless and forced...
Gameplay: I'm going to write 3 simple words that describe the gameplay: boring, annoying and uninspiring to the point that it feel's repetitive after 30 minutes of gameplay. Seriously, this game tries so hard to borrow the gameplay elements from WoW that it fails to even realize that there are just too many out there that have the same gameplay elements and controls... Now you ask me why do I hate so much this control's on this specific tittle? Well, it is unbalanced to the point that you need tons of level progression to actually have some type of fun and also to have that feeling of completion and achievement... The EXP ratio is to low and it makes the player drag his attention away from the gameplay since it's always the same.
WoW graphics are dated because it is around our computers for more than 10 years, and that is incredible. Forsaken World graphics are really weak and the performance could be way better but there is one thing that I cannot deny, booth games have an splendid art style! The problem with Forsaken World is that the story doesn't respect and fulfill the art style, which is really sad on my opinion.
This is my review for Forsaken World, don't be afraid to experience this game just because I gave it a bad score, go and try it for yourself because Perfect World is an great company and their recent games are very fun to play and they deserve a bigger player base... Forsaken World might not be my cup of tea but it can be yours, so go ahead and try it.