Nice F2P MMORPG. Sadly it turns into different kind of grindfest when you invest time in it.
Graphics are very nice, however kindred GFX are sort of out of place. 4/5
SFX and music is normal, what you would expect from f2p. 3/5
Gameplay..beginning 4/5, after around 20+h 2/5.
Class follows usual mmorpg formula, with every class having 3 skill tress. The interesting class that is not your usual mmorpg is Bard. By combining different notes (attacks, heals, buffs), you get can cast "uber" buff(attack, defense).
Job is basically your gathering/crafting profession. This ranges to good old mining, to pet tamer. You have to be certain level to obtain the job and level it by using it, nothing new really.
Party search feature is where you apply for your chosen instance and let the game make your PUG. However the mechanics are broken since unlike WOW you don't choose your role so you can end up with DPS warrior as tank, support build bard as healer and tons of players no one wants in the guild.
Game play:
When you begin your game its all fun and game. Grind is not so bad, you move to different locations and different monsters quite beginning. After a while you get stuck in Sea of Oblivion, a desert. Now the true grind begins.
The huge problem I find is that after certain level you will mostly be doing one huge GRIND day by day doing following:
- Daily GT instance (your single best source for EXP)
- Daily Henry quests (by doing stupid running around harbor quests you gain a lot more EXP then doing any other killing quest)
- Daily harbor quests (including JOB quests)
- Daily instances for guild contribution (same old, not many instances to choose from)
Unless you are on for the whole day you are out of time by this point. Doing side quests is pointless.
Also actually reading the story pointless pointless, because the actual story is very stupid and unconnected.
The verdict:
Nice start, but unless you enjoy doing same stuff over and over again every day I don't recommend spending too much time into this one. Maybe 20h.