Even for 10 dollars its a rip off. Completely broken code.
I tried all sorts of things to get it to work, going through their many many threads on how to make it not crash before even getting to a main menu.
Initially it would just crash to desktop when you clicked on it. So I updated all the files from its redist folder. Then it crashed from the main menu. So I uninstalled it and went and Redownloaded it because lo and behold they created a patch.
You can't actually patch the game mind you..no no no that would be to easy.
You have to uninstall it completely and then redownload a "new improved" version of it. Pity if you have limited pipe from your isp, what a way to waste it.
With this new version I was able to actually get past the main menu. I picked my profession and the building I intended to make a fort out of and off we went to a loading screen...
that took almost 5 minutes...
I don't have an old pc by any stretch of the imagination and I am 100% serious here, it takes almost 5 minutes for it to load up the game once you pick your fort, I know because I timed it the many times I tried to get it to work past that point.
Once we spent all this time loading the engine I was greeted with a hideous graphical joke that looks like a cross from a sesame street set and a crayola drawing of a 5 year old. Ok on with the tutorial! How to grab a gun, how to search. Heh this made me laugh. You have to stand around doing nothing while holding the F key right next to a container to be allowed to open it. Seriously?! So I grabbed a gun, some bullets and some fud(sic) and started to run towards where my compass said my fort was.
Then the game crashed out to windows.
So I tried it all again and this is where I started timing the engine load.
We are back and woo I was able to run from the starting point. After about 2 minutes of running. Literally, two minutes of doing nothing but running (woo gameplay!) it crashed again. This time it was awesome enough to take my entire OS down with it. I tried this 3 more times!
I suppose I could contact the jokers at this game company and work with them to troubleshoot their game but honestly they should be ashamed for even releasing it in this state. I wasn't going to waste more time and frustration on it. I uninstalled the garbage and will be calling for a refund.
Bottom line: Save yourself the 10 dollars and the frustration. This game is so broken that it is a rip off for people downloading it from gamersgate and steam.
(edited for spelling and clarity)