How about Xtreme Beach Volleyball? It's rated M and ya don't see ANYTHING. Shouldn't it have a E10 version of T, like T14?
There could be a whole new rating system like:
E (age appropriate for childs 0-9, maybe slapstick violence?)
E10 (age appropriate for 10+, heavy cartoon violence, very little smoking/drink)
T (ages 12+, I played Goldeneye 007 when I was 10, it was T and nothing happened to me :P; anyway, moderate violence and drug/alcohol refrence (illegal drug refrence would push E10 up to T), sexuality, intimacy, sexual situation allowable, no nudity absolutly)
T14 (14+, maybe a little more sexuality, but little nudity (when it does acure, it has to be left to non-frontal). Violence and gore amounts equaling to Halo 3, heavy refrences to alcohol, tabacco)
M (17+, heavy blood, gore, some nudity, (gaming equvalint of an R rated movie). If it's illegal to sell, 16 year olds should be able to buy (I wish it would have been so for me. RIP gaming freedom in the screwed up state of Illinois... :( ).
AO (18+, reserved *only* for p*rn (if that's not censored by GS, I'm sorry I censored for ya guys... :P))
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