So I just have to make sure because everytime I see it I question it...all those little shiny dots you see flying towards the galaxy at the end of the game are Reapers right?...That means they've existed since the beginning and I mean if those are all the same size as soverign and as strong as him (if not stronger) then basically the proethians are right we're all **** because there is no way to compete with an army of thousands when it took so long to just kill soverign in the first one XD
Well yes, they are the Reapers of course. The one at the front with 4 yellow "eyes" is Harbinger (judging from his Holo and the datapad), which might suggest he's the leader of the Reapers, or someone in the command chain at least.
Yeah after just seeing them I just was freaking out because I don't believe that there is anyway we can defeat them because they have such a massive army. I figure hey...our fleet is close to as big as theres but the fact of it is they can shoot many lasers just like Soverign and if they can its like sending our fleet to a shooting gallery because they'd never stand a chance!! But I can't wait it'll make to see how it all plays out it'll be very exciting. I hope it takes stuff from them botha nd puts them in ME3 like how I spared the Rachni so will they fight with us to save the universe?! O.o
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