I'm not entirely sure if it's confirmed, but it surely has been speculated that Liara will be a Justicar in the third installment of Mass Effect.
Forgive me, I took this from the Wiki, you can beat me with an encyclopaedia after:
A justicar is an asari who has forsworn having children and family, and given up all worldly possessions aside from weapons and armor. After swearing themselves to the Code of the justicars, they wander asari space righting wrongs, as defined by their unwavering code of justice. Samara compares the code and duties of the justicar to that of the knights-errant in Medieval Christendom, or the Japanese samurai.
I can't find anything that backs this up on the codex entires online, however...
As a Liara-fangirl I have a question.
If Liara is indeed a justicar in ME3, does this mean she can no longer sneak off to Shep's quarters?
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