Um, ya sorry to tell u but this is pretty old news.
Just to get the story straight there is a live action movie being made by Legendary Pictures. The plot has not been confirmed but they are leaning towards the first game. There is also an anime in the works by funimation. There is no word on the story of the anime though.
They confirmed what the plot is going to be at Comic-Con this past year, they said its going to be based the first game.
I also wondering who could possibly portray Commander Shephard, maybe Ryan Reynolds. IndianaJones414
Anyone but that asshat. He ruined Green Lantern AND Dead Pool. He can't have Shep as well.
I vote for Meryl Streep. As both MShep and FemShep.Â
The only that is distinctive enough to reconize is Seth Green is his voice, but the way the character design looks, he looks nothing like Seth Green. Seth Green is short, wimpy looking. IndianaJones414
I think Jokers face was built off of Seth Green and I notice a lot of resemblances too. I dont know where your coming from but Joker definitely looks like Seth Green to me. The only thing that is a little off is the body.
I can understand why you would want Seth Green in the movie as Joker because he was basically the comic relief of the game, but I can actually see some facial animations of Joker being similar to Seth Green, but in terms of live-action, I dont think Seth Green can fit the part. As far as the voice acting goes, Seth Green did a great job providing the voice to Joker, I thought he was hilarious. IndianaJones414
"Ah, we meet again, Dr. Jones," and while I understand your argument, we will have to respectfully agree to disagree. Now hand over the Ark!
[QUOTE="IndianaJones414"]I can understand why you would want Seth Green in the movie as Joker because he was basically the comic relief of the game, but I can actually see some facial animations of Joker being similar to Seth Green, but in terms of live-action, I dont think Seth Green can fit the part. As far as the voice acting goes, Seth Green did a great job providing the voice to Joker, I thought he was hilarious. lewfa1
"Ah, we meet again, Dr. Jones," and while I understand your argument, we will have to respectfully agree to disagree. Now hand over the Ark!
Lol, "It belongs in a museum".
Isnt that the guy that played the role of Spock in the 2009 Star Trek movie?IndianaJones414
Yep, that's him...
[QUOTE="IndianaJones414"]Isnt that the guy that played the role of Spock in the 2009 Star Trek movie?caityful
Shhhh never speak of that. There was no Star Trek movie in 2009.
Okay, whom else could be M!Shep?
Oh, but there was ............there was. BRILLIANT reboot. And Mr. Quinto might be perfect. He does like to play the quiet, internally tortured types so I'm thinking his Shepard wouldn't be the "war hero" model but instead the "sole survivor".
Alright, here's a list of potentials with links to IMDB. Discuss.
Tom Hardy. Check out the preview for his latest movie, The Warrior.
Sam Worthington. We know he can do action movies.
Ty Olsson. Character actor who has had a small roll in everyone's favorite sci-fi something.
Chris Hemsworth.
Liev Schreiber
Eric Bana
Matthew Fox
Channing Tatum
I'm pretty sure I've said this before but the first time I saw and heard Commander Shepard in a video preview of Mass Effect, I thought he was supposed to Dominic Purcell...
If Jamke was Tali... Sign me up on the fangirls list! :P
I liked the FemShep actor. And Liara and Samara... But everyone else seemed strange. Gerard as Zaeed? Please... Zaeed doesn't exactly ooze sex appeal.
But lol, Yvonne Strahovsky as Miranda... Wonder how they made that decision :lol:
~le sarcasm~
Also. I strongly dislike Sam Worthington as ManShep. Just because he played that blue guy on Avatar, doesn't mean he needs to be the lead in every Sci Fi film... *barbs aimed at GameInformer*
They've confirmed this in the past. I am glad they'll focus on another story for the movie. No movie they would ever make would do justice to the experience players have in the game(s). Lone_Warrior_66\
But they're still focusing on Shepard. I thought they'd confirmed that it wouldn't be focused on Shepard's story?Â
From what I have read about on Wikipedia, they confirmed the story for the Mass Effect movie will be based on the first game at Comic-Con 2011.
\[QUOTE="Lone_Warrior_66"]They've confirmed this in the past. I am glad they'll focus on another story for the movie. No movie they would ever make would do justice to the experience players have in the game(s). caityful
But they're still focusing on Shepard. I thought they'd confirmed that it wouldn't be focused on Shepard's story?Â
They are? Would be kinda ridiculous to revist a story that has already been told in such a great way.
An article on why the Mass effect movie will suck.
I can agree with some stuff but not all of it.
[QUOTE="caityful"]\[QUOTE="Lone_Warrior_66"]They've confirmed this in the past. I am glad they'll focus on another story for the movie. No movie they would ever make would do justice to the experience players have in the game(s). Lone_Warrior_66
But they're still focusing on Shepard. I thought they'd confirmed that it wouldn't be focused on Shepard's story?Â
They are? Would be kinda ridiculous to revist a story that has already been told in such a great way.From that single article on Kotaku, it sounds like it will be about Shepard, but it won't be the video game storyline. So, IF there is truth in what they've written, perhaps its a story set before the video games? Or even after... maybe. :PÂ
An article on why the Mass effect movie will suck.
I can agree with some stuff but not all of it.
Thanks rallydrifter for the interesting article. The writer, Chad M., makes some interesting arguments and I have to agree with the initial point and the overall take of the article I'm sorry to say. It is true that the genre of films adapted from video games has produced almost entirely bad movies. Check out this link to a list of video game inspired movies . Some are not as bad as others and everyone has their exception to the rule, mine is Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within (that's right, go ahead and stick your finger down your throat. I liked it anyway) but as a whole it is a group that after a few decades is still trying to find acclaim, respect and success. It is a long, sad history of films adapted from video games and one has to wonder if the Mass Effect film will be the one to break the curse?
I do not agree with the second point of the article, the argument that the removal of the element of choice which is such a strong asset to the games will be a detriment. From what I have read the proposed Mass Effect film will not be based on the game(s) but upon the series as a whole. A series which successfully includes non-customizable books and comics and while some of the written materials have not been instant klassics others have been very good. The film will be just another media choice which does not allow the viewer or "player" customizable personal RPG options.
What BioWare will need to do in my opinion is be very careful about how they reference the canon of the Mass Effect Universe. With a history that is so fluid, many fans have charted a very different course through the plot and its backstory. This means that when BioWare creates new stories within this realm they can easily create confusing contradictions to the story. Recently Mass Effect: Conviction had Admiral Anderson meeting James Vega on Omega. For players who chose Anderson for the Citadel Council this makes little sense because there is no Admiral Anderson, there is Councilor Anderson.
I do agree with the final point in the piece though. If the film is going to have Commander Shepard as its main character, BioWare should do their best to make sure that the plot is not about the material covered in the games. A back story, a side story or even a tale which catches up with Shepard after the Reapers (we hope) have been defeated would be great. Avoid re-treading already cherished material, expand the Mass Effect Universe further and try to avoid at all costs the dreaded video game/movie curse.
While I was reading the article I was reminded of the Alliance Command thread, Mass Effect: Feature Film and Animated Movie in the works that caityful started. It starts with a poll asking readers which are they more excited for, an animated movie (2012 release date) or a live action film. I was one of only two people who voted for the anime option. If for no other reason than the greater flexibility and forgiving attitudes we lend to animated films as compared to live action ones. I hate to sound bleak about anything Mass Effect related but they haven't even cast the film or finalized its script but already it seems like it is a long shot at creative and financial success.
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