Batarian Blue Suns mercenary: "Hay look, it's that Asari chick out there on the dance floor rockin' it out all by herself again."
Turian Blue Suns mercenary: "Oh yeah, sure looks like she's having fun though. Um, .......what is this song that they're playing?"
Batarian Blue Suns mercenary: "Dunno, just a sec." He activates his omni-tool and takes a scan of the music. "It's called MMMBop, by Hanson."
Turian Blue Suns mercenary: Cough, cough, "What?! Really?!!! Wow, what a ........................classic jam. Well she really does look like she's having fun. Maybe we should join in."
My first play through of ME2 was as a Vanguard and I have to admit I got my butt kicked a lot! After that, I chose different klasses and didn't think again about playing the Vanguard again. Until I saw this next video, it completely revolutionized the way I think about playing the klass. I had been playing too conservatively and this video really showed me how the Vanguard was tailor made for aggressive, "in your face" combat.
Please enjoy,
and this one too,
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