[QUOTE="caityful"] Haha you can't just be happy for the galaxy can you, Maj! :P
Nah, I get what you're saying. It is all too perfect, but if the story has to end somewhere, I'm personally happier knowing that one person's sacrifice made so much difference. Don't forget, Synthesis only affected this galaxy, who's to say that the next galaxy over isn't home to a violent war-like civilisation? There will always be conflict - perhaps there will still be unrest, murder, war, etc. But for now, partying with the Ewoks is a good idea. Even ROTJ ended on a high note, only for the comics to bring about further conflict. There's no way Bioware is sitting there twiddling their thumbs. We can definitely expect something else.
I had a look through all three endings pre- and post- extended cut (as well as Reject ending) and I'll agree, the extended cut was very necessary. It made Synthesis much more appealing, as you said. If anything I'd have gone for Control, otherwise. But it still didn't feel as final as Synthesis. With Control, just say that geth or another synthetic civilisation turns on organics? Shep-Reapers bring death from the sky. With Synthesis, it feels like there's less of a chance of war. It felt final. And very happy, which is what I was pleased with most. Because I'm a sap for that kinda stuff :lol:
No...no happiness for the galaxy! In the words of Zaeed: "Let these people burn!" :twisted: :P
Just kiddin'...
As for synthesis, I guess it really does seem final...maybe that's part of why I'm not a big fan of it...
Probably my biggest problem with the original endings (all of them) was the destruction of the Mass Relays...that seemed final to me. I thought that was it; there was no way to travel between systems anymore; the Mass Effect series can't continue without the relays...
It just seemed they were putting a lid on a universe that I had spent the past 4 years falling in love with; I don't want it to end.
So maybe that's my problem with Synthesis; the finality of it...if it really is as perfect as the Catalyst says, then what could happen next?
But like you said, there could be a threat from another galaxy...then you could have a united Milky Way fighting whatever other galaxy...that could be a good series...
I guess there's technically a way that any of the endings could continue the series...however, Synthesis is not the way I would want it to continue...
Just want things to go back to the way they were before the Reapers were a known threat...I'm okay with temporary peace but permanent peace? Not so much...
I want to see an internal conflict but with the 'perfect' Synthesis ending, it seems that an external conflict is the only way to continue...
A virus in the synthesis network could mess things up, and I doubt people will be happy working along side the Reapers that killed their families. Some how I think synthesis will make things better for people on a genetic level but power, greed, and lust will win over people, and you can be happy with a whole new intergalactic war!
Synthesis is the ultimate evolution, yet in reality we as a species are highly evolved creatures and while we talk about peace and good will and all that moral stuff the world is full of bloodshed, lovers cheating, murder, thieving, and politics. If tomorrow we evolved to a point where we wouldn't die of disease, or aging, we'd still have the vices mentioned above.
The citadel survives in one ending but because they can rebuild the mass relays I'm sure the Reapers will rebuild the citadel as well. As for the destruction ending without mass relays larger ships used onboard mass effect engines so it'd be more Star Trek.
BTW did anyone else wonder why the Normandy use Mass Effect gates if it had a ME Engine?
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