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Also, the 100 post rule is also very unhelpful. I like to post in Roll Call a lot. So, I always hit the 100 rule and are no longer allowed to talk to them. Why should I be penalized for participating? (Hope you don't mind David)kolobus11I agree, but that one isn't as major as the 300 post rule, they make new RC's almost every day and you can always find other threads to talk in, but it's really frustrating when you can't post at all for hours at a time
i used to hit that constantly, and even had a problem where at the start of a new day i couldn't post at all due to posting so much the night was 10am PT before i could post at all..and even then i could only post twice before it came back up....i've since dropped my activity quite alot, and i'm not bothered by it anymore, but more than anything i think that we should have at least warning come up when we're close to the limit at least, as suddenly being unable to post can get VERY annoying...robbristowI agree with alot of that and basically the same thing happened today where it let me post 3 or 4 posts and then came back up again and didn't let me post for another 5 hours, until around 2:00 p.m. ET, the only thing the rule helps to prevent is users being very active over a long period of time, like I said I spend 6 - 8 hours a day here so I run into it alot, I'm glad others feel the same as I do, and I hope they either remove the rule, raise the overall limit or keep the limit the same or have the post count reset more often than once every 20-30 hours
yer i think if u r a certain level u should be alble to do more posts a dayyamum2I hope they do something, it's not very practical the way it is now, so I hope they do something to improve it somehow. They are really busy though, so it will probably be a while if we are lucky for anything to be changed with it:)
Yeah, I don't see them making me a Mod to let me get around the Flood Protection though, although that would be awesome, I definitly have enough free time to be on here enough to be one :lol: and yes fastesttruck it does suck having to stop having a good time because you have exceeded a limit:(double_deckerwell being a mod wouldn't let you get around it anyway would give you more stuff to do that doesn't involve posting so you'd be less likely to reach the limit, but it'd still be there...
yer i think if u r a certain level u should be alble to do more posts a dayyamum2that's what GFAQs does :|:?
I hope they do something, it's not very practical the way it is now, so I hope they do something to improve it somehow. They are really busy though, so it will probably be a while if we are lucky for anything to be changed with it:)double_deckeryer they're busy fixing stuff likes glitches mainly atm it seems lol
as much as I hate GameFaqs and many of there users, I do think that their Posting way is much better and we should have it set up like they do.fastesttruckWhat about thier posting do you like better specifically?
I don't think any of us have posted 300 posts to see if it applies to us or not. I'm guessing that it does.MAILER_DAEMONnot surprised there..just about every rule applies to mods as well tho..only the admins can really bypass them...and it's rather rare that they'd have to bypass them anyway...especially in the case of something like this...
[QUOTE="fastesttruck"]as much as I hate GameFaqs and many of there users, I do think that their Posting way is much better and we should have it set up like they do.double_deckerWhat about thier posting do you like better specifically?err, yer same question...there's not really anything at all related to posting that i prefer on GFAQs, tho their methods do prevent new members from spamming lots at least....
I seriously doubt any staff has time to post 300 times a day. Probably take me a few months to reach 300 posts.Dracula68I make 300 in 2 or 3 days a lot of the time :| On GF when you start you can only make one topic and 10 posts. after 2 days of being on the site you can post more and more and moer till they jsut do away with your posting limits b/c you have so much Karma.
I personally thing 300 post limit is fair enough each day.Thorpe89yea, if you even have time to post 300 a day, im sure some of those arent worthwhile posts. id rather gamespot spend their time fixing some of the numerous bugs than changing the post limits.
[QUOTE="Teivan"][QUOTE="yamum2"]yer i think if u r a certain level u should be alble to do more posts a dayTeivanThat's a good idea. I'll bring it up and see what I can do for you all. Got the okay on this. The change is in QA. We'll let you know when it goes live. Whats QA?
Perhaps you should put more thought into your posts... as in, say everything you really want to say the first time around, instead of lots of little meaningless posts. I can't stand Roll Calls because they all end up with short little banters that are less than 10 words each. That kind of chatter should be carried on only in pm's. You either need to have fewer, more meaningful posts, or you need to step away from the computer for a while. AnkaaraWhoa kinda harsh there aren't you?
Got the okay on this. The change is in QA. We'll let you know when it goes live.Teivanwell that's good
I think levels 1 through 4 should cap out at about 100 posts per day (about a week), 5 through 9 at 250 (about a month), and 10 and above at 500. Let's see, doing some basic 5th-grade arithmatic, 500 posts per day means one post every 172.8 seconds for a full 24 hours, or just under 3 minutes between posts. This is just an average. I don't see any reason for going beyond 500. I, myself, could fare just fine with 100, but when helping others or having long, active conversations about something, 300 does seem a bit low.i think the lvl requirements should probably be a little higher than those but that's sounds quite good...not that i'll ever reach any of the limits anymore anyway lol
[QUOTE="Teivan"][QUOTE="yamum2"]yer i think if u r a certain level u should be alble to do more posts a dayTeivanThat's a good idea. I'll bring it up and see what I can do for you all. Got the okay on this. The change is in QA. We'll let you know when it goes live. Wow. I don't think I've ever seen an enhancement get a response and 'ok' as quick as this one did. Good to see that Gamespot is kicking in the gears.
Wow. I don't think I've ever seen an enhancement get a response and 'ok' as quick as this one did. Good to see that Gamespot is kicking in the gears.OhhSnap50893It only took about 5 minutes to program so it was easy to slip into the queue. Its live as of 2 minutes ago btw.
specifically what changes were made btw?robbristowhehe. Good Q.
[QUOTE="robbristow"]specifically what changes were made btw?Teivanhehe. Good Q.
[QUOTE="Thorpe89"]I personally thing 300 post limit is fair enough each day.zackattack784yea, if you even have time to post 300 a day, im sure some of those arent worthwhile posts. id rather gamespot spend their time fixing some of the numerous bugs than changing the post limits. I second you Zack! There are so many little bugs that are worthy trying to fix....
[QUOTE="robbristow"]specifically what changes were made btw?Teivanhehe. Good Q.
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