How does everyone upload their gifs? I realise that it needs to be under 20K, and mine is 19, but it still doesnt work. That picture of the the A-team just wont go away. I just would like some help, is there anything im doing wrong/need to change??
People normally host their image at external sites like instead of on the Gamespot server. That way you won't have to worry about the 20k limit too. Another common mistake is that people who host their images themselves, paste the URL in the wrong text field box. Paste it in the upper avatar text field entry and not the one beside the browse button. Second, remember to click on the orange apply button at the bottom of the window. It may take a few moments to see the change but if the URL that you pasted is still displaying, and not the old one, then it should be correct.
(This should also likely be posted in the Welcome Newbies area -- where I thought I was -- rather than in the website issues area.)
Glazkark explained almost everything, i just wanted to add 2 more things. first copy the right link, the one that starts with http and ends with .gif/jpg
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