I thought this would be a good idea because i have heard a few people talk about it. Basically it's like your posting history but your blog comment history so you can keep track of comments that you have made on other peoples blogs. I sometimes find this annoying that you posted on a certain blog and you want to see if there are new comments and you can't remember who's blog it was. So here are some pictures on what i think it could look like.
As you can see in the picture above the the my blog comments link is between my posting history and my gamespot badge. I think it would look great there.
This is what i expect it would look like when you click on my blog comments. It shows the users profile, their blog name, how many comments there are and how many unread there are. Also it shows which comment you posted. Its kind of like my posting history but just with blogs.
So what do you think ?
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