Since I'm here telling you guys how your site is broke, might as well hit all the subjects.
There has been another bug that annoys the shit out of me, I hate loading a page and having a little orange number above the notifications icon(half the time turns out to be an advertisement for one of your articles). So I usually hover on the icon to clear the notice and refresh the page.
Lately I go to hover over the icon and the ajax function that loads the latest notices seems to fail and I end up getting an out of date list of replies. Right now I've got a comment from 15 minutes ago that I cannot clear because the notice system hasn't gotten the message yet. If I didn't have an email that told me what the message was, I'd be sitting here wonder wtf was going on.

The comment in the very center simply isn't showing up in the notifications. And it is annoying as hell.
At the time I finished with this post it's been 25 minutes and still not update in the notifications list. All pages effected.
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