Well the Weekly Report has been back for a few weeks now and we here in the office feel that now is a great time to get some fresh emblem holders out there. Yep, you heard right, we want to hear who you think deserves to become a holder of a Top 500 or even a Top 100 reviewer emblem!
How to make a recommendation!
The player review emblems are hand picked by the Community Team to avoid any emblem exploits such as disruptive posting and to highlight the best writers in the community. The users who are selected are often featured in the Weekly Community News Report too.
If you have a recommendation on an excellent review writer or video reviews uploader please use this thread to alert us.
1) Please be very clear about who you are recommending and if it is a VIDEO or WRITTEN review emblem. Now that we have a video reviewer emblem on the way, it is best to mention that you want us to check their user videos and not their user reviews.
2) Please link to the user's contributions page for written reviews and link to their video reviews if you are recommending them as a user video.
3) If you plan to recommend yourself recommend someone else with your resubmission. Otherwise, this becomes a self-centered thread, which is not the purpose of bringing awareness to good writers.
4) Make sure the user has updated a review in the past 6 months. Some recommendations in the last batch had users who have not posted a review in 6+ months. We often remove the Top 100 or Top 500 emblems from users who have not updated their reviews in a year, and these users are granted the Grandfather emblem category (top 1000 review) for not being active. We use the Top 100 or Top 500 status in community news updates. Therefore, it is best to recommend people who post a review at least once every few months.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Do I need to be recommended to receive an emblems?
A. It's possible to get the emblem without being recommended. This thread is just for suggestions.
Q. Can I recommend myself?
A. Of course! Recommending yourself is a good place to start. Before recommending yourself try to hunt down other users to post with your recommendations. Be sure to recommend users who have6 or more written reviews or video reviews.
Q. Many people have recommended me! I deserve an emblem.
A. Recommending someone does not mean that they will receive an emblem. The community team are the one that makes a decision based on secret criteria.
Q. Why haven't I received an emblem?
A. We cannot share the criteria about how to receive a review emblem. Do some investigation! Check to see who has the emblem and then read their writing style and/or quality to your own. Grammar and spelling errors may be considered when we investigate a user's written review.
Q. What is the difference between the emblems?
A. The Top 100 are more prolific. The Top 500 user may not have enough written reviews or they need to step it up on their writing skills. Video review emblem require enough videos to be considered. There is also the grandfather Top 1,000 reviews emblem if you happen to no longer post reviews after a year, but that's not something to be proud of. It means you're a slacker that once had the Top 100 or Top 500 emblem.
Q. I want an emblem, give me an emblem, check out my reviews right away!
A. When you post your recommendations do not pester and private message staff or contact the moderators to check out your user reviews. This thread is the appropriate place to post your suggestions. The timeline on knowing when you'll receive an emblem is anywhere between 30 and 90 days of the thread creation. Thanks for your cooperation in this matter.
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