Dear Gamespot,
I'm a faithful fan of It's been 1 week since FIFA 10 (PC) comes out in the market. I'm a PC gamer and I really love to play FIFA 10 but I'm still waiting for your review on FIFA 10 (PC). Why is it always PS3 and XBOX360 get the reviews but PC is left without any reviews?Are the reviews for FIFA 10 (PS3) andFIFA 10 (XBOX360) is applicable to FIFA 10 (PC)?It's saddening to me to witness this as Gamespot itself is like neglecting PC games. I seriously need a review for FIFA 10 (PC) as a lot of gamers out there rated this game as abysmmal (1.0). But, they are just Gamers and you people are the professionals, so, I'm eagerly waiting everyday for your review on the game. Most people I believe come to the site to read the reviews before they go out and buy games, so, don't dissapoint us. Hope to see the review soon enough....Thanks:(
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