@Azghouls said:
Yep me too - my reviews are just a 'barren wasteland'. Tis I'm unable to view my reviews.
You can - you must have your listing show both "reviews and ratings". Unfortunately, your list is more than likely to be jumbled up anyway, even if you try to sort it.
GlitchSpot earns its nickname - again.
UPDATE: So... I have been going around, "editing" some of my user reviews which had been relabeled by GameSpot's schizophrenic system as "ratings". I merely went into edit mode and went back out for some user reviews.
They were re-listed as user reviews instead of just ratings.
Unfortunately, this might mean that any solution can only be implemented user-side.
UPDATE 2: ****, I want to try to fix this problem for my own user reviews myself, but I am flooding people on my friends' list with notifications.
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