Thankfully, with the help of the user Gelugon_baat test, we confirmed that nobody can see my Comments, but me.
In the main Control Panel screen, it says, under My Moderation History:
"Hopefully this page is empty! But if you've ever had a community contribution moderated, you'll find the records here."
I clicked, and turns out I do have one entry there:
Moderation Log
Created user report due to Site Admin action taken (suspend) via admin editor on 2013-05-03 12:37:53(gmt)
Moderation Results
Reason: Moderator Discretion comments - personal attack \"Why don\'t you go outside and play hide and go f**k yourself?\" (BTW, this is a famous Monty Python phrase, but OK, I was mean and deserved the suspension. Phrase of dismissal)
Action taken (item) : Nothing
Action taken (user) : Suspend User for 1 days
I didn't get any Message to tell me I was suspended. I can't see my current status anywhere.
But since then, nobody can see my comments. I posted in this "calm" article today:
And, like many other articles, nobody replies.
Could someone please help?
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