Last week a few hundred users received the 2008 Readers choice emblem. We researched those who received the emblem and many of these users were not active in the forums or other areas of the community. We were aware of the voting problems you encountered and plan to give everyone three days to report in this thread.
Here is how you'll report that you did not receive the emblem.Post in this thread with the subcategories you selected. All of them is NOT an answer. Throw a few subcategories out there to amuse us.
Lastly, if the admins think you sound suspiciously like you just want a freebie emblem, you'll be contacted with numerous questions so be honest!
Submit your answer between now and Friday, March 13, 2009 at 12pm PT. After this coming Friday the emblem vault will be closed for this ghetto emblem.
Reminder: Stating you voted for all of them is not claiming the emblem and will not be considered when we grant the emblems on Friday.
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