While there are many pages on GameSpot that are in desperate need of a reboot... Unions will be addressedGameSpot Developer Lark AndersonSee? What did I tell you all? Told you it was coming! ;)What's the point of this? We tried before. Won't do anything. Actually, this time, yes it will. GS has been radically changing in the past few months. Sure, the change hasn't happened over night, but it is happening. Admins have also been more proactive recently, in particular to our ideas. Just look at the support boards: we now have admins replying to our ideas on this board and to glitches on Technical Support. Glitches are actually being fixed. For example, union levels and emblems are now functioning, after years of not working. If GS was going to dump unions, they would not have done this. We have also had GS Community Manager Synthia expressing her strong support for unions. With Synthia on our side, quite simply, it's only a matter of time I think. When union reform will happen, I don't know, but I have a gut feeling it will happen this year. In 2011, an admin involved in the development of Fuse, said something to the effect that they haven't forgotten about unions and plan to do something with them. Of course, my sceptical self just thought it was talk. But, to be fair, he appears to be right so far. Change has happened. And I believe more is to come... Union reform will happen this year? How do you know this? I'll be honest: I don't. But I have a gut feeling that something to do with unions will happen this year, considering the change in circumstances as mentioned above. The admins have been more responsive to users. Now, is the time more than ever, to show admins while they are watching that we want unions to be reformed. Why not just use the Unions Version 2 thread? It's obsolete. It was made in 2006 - yes, that long ago... when Greg Kasavin was around as Head Editor, along with BethanyM as CM. Jody was only just starting as a CM back then, who would eventually succeed Bethany. Never heard of Greg or Bethany? If not, please post in here saying so, as that will show just how long it was and how times have changed. We're now in 2012. The ideas in that thread were suggested when the site used the old layout. We're no longer in the old layout. Fuse is here. Fuse is steadily becoming increasingly integrated into the site. Most of those ideas may not even be wanted by users - I've always had a feeling that when a GS admin opens that topic, and sees giant posts of information, that's what users want. Nothing could be further from the truth. Users just want change, in some form, no matter how big or small. What that change is, can be debated later. This topic's purpose is simply to show statistical support (using the poll, which I don't think back then in 2006 we had, which explains why that thread doesn't have a poll) for unions reform. Do you honestly think an admin, during their working hours or free hours of time is going to even skim through that thread let alone read it? No. So let's make their job as easy as possible for them. Additionally, I can remember admins sometimes using the excuse that there's no widespread support for union reform. Is that true? If you disagree, then Vote Yes in here and prove them wrong. Make it so they cannot ever use that excuse again. And in doing so, please please please let other users know about this thread (through your sig, blog, union etc), and let them vote how they want (nobody's telling you how to vote here). We just want a definite solid answer to this question once and for all. The numbers don't lie. Thank you. Additional information
^ Just so we're not being misleading: in the feedback section of the site, you can use 3 votes for a particular enhancement. So it's reasonable to conclude that what mudkip linked us to shows about 300 individual users at least supporting union reforms. Let's try to replicate that, and even surpass it! I know we easily can. ;)Want proof that GameSpot users want union reforms? Here you are, nearly 1000 votes strong.
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