As a companion thread to the stickied Player Review recommendation thread, I think it could be a good idea to also spot some of the good bloggers that are still overlooked. Many of them don't attract the attention they deserve, with an average of 0-5 comments per entry, whereas other pointless ones gain a popularity contest - just like TheCritic9392 rightfully stated in his latest soapbox entry. I totally disagree regarding his first pet peeve, Major convention blogging, but pretty much nod the rest of the article.
I don't know, but perhaps the community managers can't ( or lack of time ) track all the stuff written each day, even by the most outlying subscriber so if you know an overlooked blogger worth a good read, please let us know. Guidelines:
-quality posts, mostly gaming related;
-no more than an average of 0-5 comments per thoughtful entry;
-not being spotlighted yet in the Soapbox feature.
Furthermore, perhaps GS should acknowledge the best bloggers with an additional emblem, Ã la top reviewers, taking into account the whole journal, not just one striking editorial. I'm not just talking about myself; I write for the pleasure of it regardless of being ignored or not - but of course we all want a better feedback. Comments are welcome; I also want to know about your blogspottings since I, myself lack the time to check elsewhere than my friends list from which I can suggest a couple now: jervo and Darth Homer.
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