I flocked to your web site, almost daily, to get my data-bits of everything gaming. As a designer/developer myself, I loved the layout, ease of use and simple clicking to get to everything. Now, you changed it all. At this point, I can't freakin find anything in the new design. It's absolutely abysmal. Sorry, but it is. The main section I would go to daily is simple click on a platform in the main menu, click New Releases and get a week to week list of release dates for everything. Amazing concept and you guys designed it perfectly. Now, I can't even find it and if it does exist, it's probably stupid, like everything else you've "updated". I also see you've gone toward a "Metro" design approach. Wow, nothing like jumping on the bandwagon...especially one that's headed towards the end of a cliff while on fire.
Horrible, horrible, horrible. I have thought of Gamespot as THE place to for everything game and I have been that way for AGES! Well, sorry to see you go. I don't have time to fiddle around with your cutesy, information-LESS design. Who approved this crap anyways? I don't know what's worse, the QA department or the design itself.
With all of that said, anyone know of a different web site for me to call my Gaming Mommy? Maybe IGN? I haven't been there in a while. Where else?
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