I remember a while a go some moron started up a thread and was talking about how he was such a hardcore "old school" gamer, and he was listing some of his favorite "old school" games. Well, i cna't say he was listing bad games, but i think the oldest game he listed was a late NES RPG, everything else was SNES games. I want to hear what your deffinition of old school is.
According to my definition, old school is anything from NES and back. As soon as you start getting into consoles with ergonomic controllers it's disqualified from being old school, at least console wize it is. I'd have to do some research and definition building to figure out what constitutes old school games on new school contsoles. For one thing, true 3d, or polygon based modles disqualifies it automatically. This definition is liable to change and include SNES and Genisis with in the next five or so years depending on how things play out in the gaming community/industry.
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