I'm probably the youngest member in this union, I'm 14, but thankfully :) my father makes a lot of money, but not to the point where he has his own personal driver, I mean he started a small buisness back when I was 2 year's old, and now it's succesful, and hopefully it'll be more succesful.
you might be thinking that I ask him for a 100$ every day and he gives it to me :P, well... I kind'a wish that happens but no, my dad didn't grow up in a rich family, so yes, he doesn't give me that much money, but from time to time, he buys a game for me. but other than that I just get money from special occasions and birthday's and so on, but in 2005, he got me a credit card, and I think he made some sort of deal with the credit card company or something like that, but every month about 80-100$ is sent into my account, so I never spend more than 100$ a month, but I don't spend it all on games, I collect DVDs more than collecting, I mean I only buy games to play, but I collect DVD well...to watch and have it in my collection :)
but hopefully I'll get into a really good college and get a really good job so I can buy stuff crazily :) I mean if you study hard enough in college, you could get a really good job, instead of getting a part time job while your in college, and after college you can get a really good job.
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