My least fave systems are the PS1 and PS2 b/c the competing systems with better and more innovative titles and the web capability which everyone lusts after today (Saturn and Dreamcast) succumbed too early to Sony's hype engine. Also, my PS2 is the only system that has ever suffered a hardware failure, and I own around 40 and have been gaming since 1983.
My least fave games are those that get too much hype and blind people to the real gaming gems out there (e.g. GTAÂ and its clones, God of War, Halo).
My least fave controller is a toss-up between the N64 and the X-box's Controller S. I'm always hitting buttons accidentally on the N64 controller (like Start) based on the way I comfortably hold it, and as for the S, I got a Duke with my X-box and grew accustomed to it. If they hadn't moved the B and W buttons, it'd be fine, but they did and it messes me up. I've got 3 X-box controllers and they're all the original design. My goal is to have 4 of each design on hand to accomodate any preference.Â
My least fave gimmick is a toss-up between the UMD movie, the PS3 controller's motion sensitivity, the Sega Activator (even though I'd pay $$ for a complete one), and those force-feedback vests that put you "in the game".
[QUOTE="eberkain_basic"]POWER GLOVE!waflerevolution
Oh, so yours actually worked?
[QUOTE="waflerevolution"] [QUOTE="eberkain_basic"]POWER GLOVE!eberkain_basic
I'll have to agree with gmsnpr and Wafler on this one. The PS1/PS2 have consistently disappointed me more than any other console of their generation. From framerate issues and low color textures alone I'd be disappointed, but with the mass market trash both systems are innundated with I can barely stand them today. I owned a PS1 from '97-99 and a PS2 from '01-'05, I've played all the games people talk about, plus a good number of the ones they don't. Still, sifting through hundreds of completely derivitive trash titles just to find a handful of gems spoiled the experience of what good games actually are on the systems. In truth, either the PS1 or PS2 easily have as many innovative quality titles as any other game system, but they pile ten pompous and vile marketing ploys on top of each of them, and that just burns me out.
Controller wise, it's going to go to the Dual Shock and any other iteration of the Playstation controller design. From the "not-a-D-Pad' to the four face diamond design buttons, I've hated the whole idea since I first saw it, and I hate even more that it's affected every other controller design out there since. Hopefully the Wii controller will be copied as blatantly as previous Nintendo controllers have, and bring an end to the reign of the thing which should not be.
Ultimately, I tend to hate anything, however good, which becomes a public sensation to the exclusion of other offerings in the same market. It simply doesn't make sense to pick game systems like football teams and root only for one for the rest of time. Everybody calling themselves "gamer" should have owned every console of each generation by now, and should always play the games developers come up with which try something new. As a casual amusement medium, consumers should at least shop for what they buy.
My least fave gimmick is the Ereader, built in codes..... why did they think it would work?
My least fave gimmick is the Ereader, built in codes..... why did they think it would work?
System - PS2. Sony knew what it was going to be up against and instead of beefing their system up, they thought "hey, let's release early just to shoe Sega up the arse!". Not only that, but the "killer ap" was a Grand Theft Auto game.
Controller - For first-party, the N64 controller. All it was good for was FPS's, and even then, with the D-Pad, and that other screwy pad, I think they were referred to as the C-Buttons, yeah, that didn't go too well. Not only that, the analog sticks had a really bad habit of grinding themselves into uselessness. Other than the Virtual Boy, that's the only other time I've had license to criticise Nintendo's hardware.
For third party, anything made by MadCatz, that stuff is pure ****. I had a MadCatz XBox controller roll off my lap and smack the floor, and it bent an analog stick. This was about 15 minutes after I took it out of the packaging, too. And of course, EB wouldn't take it back. And they know MadCatz is a junk product. I, at the time, didn't. And i should have asked, because the guys that were in at the time knew I was a regular, and they would have told me straight up if it sucks, so the onus really is as much me as it is on them.
Least favourite game - Final Fantasy VII. What a way to start off next-gen console RPG's (at that time). I actualy bought it for PC, and while I've played worse games, I've never played a game that caused so much damage to a genre, let alone its series. While the gameplay in FF VII is okay (it's only okay), the story was a convoluted trail of tears that I really couldn't care less about. Which is why I quit playing it halfway through. I don't give a rat's ass about CG sequences, and I don't care about minigames and I don't care about action sequences on a motorbike (that look like ass even in that day and age). All I care about when I play an RPG is playing an RPG. When an RPG system is barely there, let alone an interactive game, all we have is an over-glorified storybook.
Gimmick - Virtual Boy. It's as much a gimmick as it is a system, so I think it deserves to go here. That thing was just scary how bad it was; red-black monochrome, and it hurt the neck to use it. Then again, the demo system wasn't adjustable...however - and this is a personal thing - me and LCD's don't necessarily get along too well. The GBA's been the first system with a built-in LCD that didn't "make my eyes bleed". And that's including laptops.
ok, my least favorite system that I own is the NES because it takes me so long to get the damn thing to work!
My least favorite game is Carmageddon 64 for the N64.
My least favorite controller is the classic playstation controller, it's too small for my hands.
& my least favorite gimmick has to be the Mega/Sega CD, what a load of horse s###!
Isn't that a Jaguar controller? I actually think the E-Reader itself is just a gimmick, and a stupid one at that. I think that system was just a bad idea from the start. "Oh look, the game is IN THE CARDS! See? You can spend five minutes scanning these bar codes to play Ice Climber!"gakon5
Thanks for the correction, I even named the image file 'jag' I guess I was paying too much attention to the person who was in my office when I made that post :D
I would like to preface this post by stating that I have never owned an e-reader and I claim no first hand knowledge of its capabilities or use. However, after reading some of the things posted here, I did some internet searching and came up with some (at least partially) conflicting info. Please set me straight if I am wrong here, and please don't think that I'm trying to defend the "virtues" of the e-reader; I'm just curious what the real deal is.
there was no way to play the Ereader with the SP.amorphe
As far as I have found, you can use the e-reader to scan cards and play games with and SP, the only incompatibility is that the e-reader's link cable port hangs loose when connected to and SP as it is not located in the same place as on the original GBA. I read that the e-reader is supposed to be compatible with the GBA, GBA SP and the DS lite; only the original DS does not work with the e-reader.
Nintendo customer service for hooking up the e-reader to an SP.
nothing new will ever or can ever come out!waflerevolution
Wafle, could you expound on the built-in codes and what you mean by nothing new will ever or can ever come out? I'm sure that no new official cards will ever be released of course, but as far as I understand, it is possible for individuals to make new cards as the card-code was cracked.
A person named Firefly (Tim Schuerewegen) was successful in cracking the 'dot code' code and was able to turn some homebrew programs into cards, playable on the e-reader device.wikipedia
Wiki link.
 Please set me straight if I am wrong here, and please don't think that I'm trying to defend the "virtues" of the e-reader; I'm just curious what the real deal is.
I searched in vain for my E-Reader to test if you can use it with a SP. I do recall that it was possible, just not very ergonomic.Â
In my search I did find 2 Sega Master systems and three Atari 5200 games though and a bunch of other stuff I forgot I owned - thanks Inky.
On the other topic, as a part of my job I've worked with barcode symbologies for over 11 years, including reverse engineering and re-creating them, so it is not surprising to me that someone would make homebrew applications for the E-reader.
To be fare I'm only going to include consoles/systems/controllers that I have extensive knowledge of, basically ones I've owned.
System: I'm including the PC in this category and giving it the "least favorite" mention. It's just too expensive to keep a computer up to date and able to play more then just a handful of games.
Game: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas- I liked the first four games in the series, beat them all. However, this game just tried to throw too much crap in your face and was a 100% disaster. Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun, Command & Conquer: Renegade and Command & Conquer: Generals-Command & Conquer is the greatest series ever created, no matter how badly EA screws it up. Tiberian Sun was, simply put, garbage. Renegade was decent, but not all it could have been. General was a decent game, but not deserving of the C&C name, and that is the only reason I add it to the list. EA has only made two good C&C games, RA2 & YR.
Controller: N64. I didn't own the 64 myself though my sister did and I had a few games for it. The only reason I consider it my least favorite is because it took me a while to get used to the shape and everything about it. I enjoy using it more these days then I did in the past.
This is the only category I'll give a dishonorable mention in, and that would go to the Dreamcast controller. To this day I can't get used to that controller.
My least fave systems are the PS1 and PS2 b/c the competing systems with better and more innovative titles and the web capability which everyone lusts after today (Saturn and Dreamcast) succumbed too early to Sony's hype engine. Also, my PS2 is the only system that has ever suffered a hardware failure, and I own around 40 and have been gaming since 1983.
My least fave games are those that get too much hype and blind people to the real gaming gems out there (e.g. GTAÂ and its clones, God of War, Halo).
My least fave controller is a toss-up between the N64 and the X-box's Controller S. I'm always hitting buttons accidentally on the N64 controller (like Start) based on the way I comfortably hold it, and as for the S, I got a Duke with my X-box and grew accustomed to it. If they hadn't moved the B and W buttons, it'd be fine, but they did and it messes me up. I've got 3 X-box controllers and they're all the original design. My goal is to have 4 of each design on hand to accomodate any preference.Â
My least fave gimmick is a toss-up between the UMD movie, the PS3 controller's motion sensitivity, the Sega Activator (even though I'd pay $$ for a complete one), and those force-feedback vests that put you "in the game".gmsnpr
I completely agree with you about the Saturn. I had both the PS and Saturn when they were out and I always liked what the saturn had to offer.Â
I think Halo was way overated but thought God Of War, and GTA deserve the attention they received.
I really hated the S controller for Xbox. For a while I would base my game buying decisions on how the game would play with the PS or Xbox controller.
I've really started to hate the super short game demos on Xbox 360. Some of them barely let you play the game for more than 5 minutes.
I think the best new gimmick would achievement points.
Least Favorite System: DOS. There was alot of good game for DOS way back in the day, some of my favorite games ever, were DOS games, but, it was a pain to deal with getting sound drivers, VGA, EMS, and XMS memory all configured. Sometimes you'd have to boot up your machine with a certain config just to get a game to run. What a pain.
Game: I would have to go with a game called 7th Legion. It was a total piece of crap.  The review on this site wasn't harsh enough.
Controller:Â I'd have to go with the N64, for all the reasons already mentioned by others.
Gimmick: Waaay back when Dragon's Lair came out I remember thinking, "how stupid is that" You watch a cartoon for a bit and then hit the joystick up or down or whatever at the right time and the cartoon keeps going. Never liked that game. Or the "interactive cartoon" idea.
it's the reason the game and watch and NES series 2 as well as the game boy series were cancelled without offical reason. some kid in utah scanned a pokémon e-card called bulbasaur and the 2nd card for Donkey Kng e came up. after that it was over for the e-reader. I have all it's games :)waflerevolution
so was there ever anymore evidence that they were preprogrammed, or was it only just that one incident? And I cant help but ask if there's any known way to hack the cart so you dont have to use the cards.ya, it was proven and no, no one figured out a mod... at least to my knowlage... but then again I don't go looking for emulation stuff...
System: The Ngage. enough said. It was fun to hate, and thats where the fun ended.gameguy6700that's like saying you hate Sega... they were the ones supporting the Ngage, the Ngage arena IS Seganet... Ngage was hated for the same reason XBOX was... I don't know how that same thing didn't happen to Tiger, Tapwire or the guys that made Gizmondo... but it's probably becuse Tiger gave up before fanboys existed and Tapwire and the guys that made the Gizmondo aren't really in this country and this country contains 95% of fanboys... the rest are in Japan. they just won't play xbox.
I hate the SNES mouse! After getting it with the not so fun Mario Pain, and soon finding out that it would work with few games, I was quite disspaointed as a kid.KlownMasterya, only 3 or 4 US releases used it. Japan got about 12, I'm not sure if the UK or AUS got any we didn't...
[QUOTE="gakon5"]Isn't that a Jaguar controller? I actually think the E-Reader itself is just a gimmick, and a stupid one at that. I think that system was just a bad idea from the start. "Oh look, the game is IN THE CARDS! See? You can spend five minutes scanning these bar codes to play Ice Climber!"waflerevolutionand the codes are pre-programmed! so nothing new will ever or can ever come out! Maybe, But some games you had to scan up to 10 cards! For what? to unlock an already pre-programed game? It doesn't really make much sense :S Any way now that i look back on it... Worst controller: N64, man I went to play Banjo Tooie the other day and it's just an awkward controller to handle and use. Worst game: I really cannot think of the last time i played a bad game.... So the last bad game I played was the new Castlevania: Curse of Darkness. Worst gimmick: That stupid Transfer Pak for the N64, it was used for only a hand full of games or something. Worst system: Gamecube, I mean really, It was nice looking and sported some nice hardware, but not being able to play Full sized DVD disks? Not enough 3rd party games? poor effort Nintendo.
[QUOTE="gameguy6700"] so was there ever anymore evidence that they were preprogrammed, or was it only just that one incident? And I cant help but ask if there's any known way to hack the cart so you dont have to use the cards.ya, it was proven and no, no one figured out a mod... at least to my knowlage... but then again I don't go looking for emulation stuff...
System: The Ngage. enough said. It was fun to hate, and thats where the fun ended.gameguy6700that's like saying you hate Sega... they were the ones supporting the Ngage, the Ngage arena IS Seganet... Ngage was hated for the same reason XBOX was... I don't know how that same thing didn't happen to Tiger, Tapwire or the guys that made Gizmondo... but it's probably becuse Tiger gave up before fanboys existed and Tapwire and the guys that made the Gizmondo aren't really in this country and this country contains 95% of fanboys... the rest are in Japan. they just won't play xbox.
I hate the SNES mouse! After getting it with the not so fun Mario Pain, and soon finding out that it would work with few games, I was quite disspaointed as a kid.KlownMasterya, only 3 or 4 US releases used it. Japan got about 12, I'm not sure if the UK or AUS got any we didn't...
iirc, Syndicate on the SNES supports it...that, Mario Paint (duh), and I think the first Jurassic Park game, too.
[QUOTE="waflerevolution"][QUOTE="gakon5"]Isn't that a Jaguar controller? I actually think the E-Reader itself is just a gimmick, and a stupid one at that. I think that system was just a bad idea from the start. "Oh look, the game is IN THE CARDS! See? You can spend five minutes scanning these bar codes to play Ice Climber!"-_-Nintendo-_-and the codes are pre-programmed! so nothing new will ever or can ever come out! Maybe, But some games you had to scan up to 10 cards! For what? to unlock an already pre-programed game? It doesn't really make much sense :S Any way now that i look back on it... Worst controller: N64, man I went to play Banjo Tooie the other day and it's just an awkward controller to handle and use. Worst game: I really cannot think of the last time i played a bad game.... So the last bad game I played was the new Castlevania: Curse of Darkness. Worst gimmick: That stupid Transfer Pak for the N64, it was used for only a hand full of games or something. Worst system: Gamecube, I mean really, It was nice looking and sported some nice hardware, but not being able to play Full sized DVD disks? Not enough 3rd party games? poor effort Nintendo. max scan was 5 unless you count the Pokémon cards that the reason the codes took 10 or more was so you HAD to buy more packs of cards. (5 cards a pac, liklyhood of getting the 10 you need in 2 packs was as likly as winning the lottery) it's all about money lad, all about money.
ya, it was proven and no, no one figured out a mod... at least to my knowlage... but then again I don't go looking for emulation stuff...[QUOTE="waflerevolution"][QUOTE="gameguy6700"] so was there ever anymore evidence that they were preprogrammed, or was it only just that one incident? And I cant help but ask if there's any known way to hack the cart so you dont have to use the cards.
System: The Ngage. enough said. It was fun to hate, and thats where the fun ended.gameguy6700that's like saying you hate Sega... they were the ones supporting the Ngage, the Ngage arena IS Seganet... Ngage was hated for the same reason XBOX was... I don't know how that same thing didn't happen to Tiger, Tapwire or the guys that made Gizmondo... but it's probably becuse Tiger gave up before fanboys existed and Tapwire and the guys that made the Gizmondo aren't really in this country and this country contains 95% of fanboys... the rest are in Japan. they just won't play xbox.
I hate the SNES mouse! After getting it with the not so fun Mario Pain, and soon finding out that it would work with few games, I was quite disspaointed as a kid.KlownMasterya, only 3 or 4 US releases used it. Japan got about 12, I'm not sure if the UK or AUS got any we didn't...
iirc, Syndicate on the SNES supports it...that, Mario Paint (duh), and I think the first Jurassic Park game, too.
I think a few light gun games supported it too...I know many disagree with this, but my least favorite system was the N64. Not only is the controller odd (in a not good way), but it just felt like Nintendo missed the mark. The games tended to be pretty expensive compared to the competition, I was annoyed that you needed a memory card - One of the benefits of Carts is that you can have built in memory, and most of the games on the system really didn't interest me. -- You had the Zeldas, but the framerate was so bad on them that they made me naseous and Mario 64 just never did it for me. It was really odd because I was raised on nintendo products and actually always felt pretty loyal to Nintendo. I finally played OoT on the GC, Im not sure if it is because I grew out of the motionsickness (dont think so, I still get it with certain games) or if it actually runs smoother on the GC, I still got sick a few times ,but not that often. I finally bought a N64 for $20 about a yr ago and got about 10 games and have played a total of about 1hr on the system.
I feel overall the same as you do, believe it or not. No matter how comfortable have have gotten with that controller, it still always feels lacking.I know many disagree with this, but my least favorite system was the N64. Not only is the controller odd (in a not good way), but it just felt like Nintendo missed the mark. The games tended to be pretty expensive compared to the competition, I was annoyed that you needed a memory card - One of the benefits of Carts is that you can have built in memory, and most of the games on the system really didn't interest me. -- You had the Zeldas, but the framerate was so bad on them that they made me naseous and Mario 64 just never did it for me. It was really odd because I was raised on nintendo products and actually always felt pretty loyal to Nintendo. I finally played OoT on the GC, Im not sure if it is because I grew out of the motionsickness (dont think so, I still get it with certain games) or if it actually runs smoother on the GC, I still got sick a few times ,but not that often. I finally bought a N64 for $20 about a yr ago and got about 10 games and have played a total of about 1hr on the system.
Oh, let's see here...
System-PC-I don't really like the idea of having to upgrade something every twenty minutes just to play the newest games.Â
Game-Taboo: The Sixth Sense (NES)-a game in the loosest sense only. More like a drunken video ouija board.
Controller-Atari 5200 joystick-I'm not a fan of joysticks anyway, but the 5200 stick didn't re-center itself or anything. Add the fact that the controller was shaped like a navy battleship and it just wasn't very comfortable.
Gimmick-Hmmm...this one's a toughie because I like to give people an E for effort at least. How about the R.O.B.? Something to make people think that what they were buying wasn't a video game system, but was instead a toy. Plus, it broke really easily and they made about two games for it. Nice try though...I'd like to have one to sit on a shelf.
If I think of anything else, I'll add it later.
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