It always seems that when I am faced with burning game questions that I can find out some great info on this board. This question is aimed at those of you who are Neo Geo AES collectors or those who are familiar with them. A couple of summers ago I purchased a Neo CD and have enjoyed it a lot. I have come to the point where I want to take the plunge into AES territory and I am almost prepared to do so. I have priced a lot of them on eBay and have found a lot of good starting units to choose from. The issue that I am facing is whether or not it is really worth owning an AES due to the expense that one must face while collecting the games.
I can say right now that I am not one of those guys that has tons of cash, so I won't be throwing down $12,000 on Kizuna Encounter or $2,000 on Metal Slug no matter how cool it would be to have them. I have found a lot of games that are priced in my range that greatly interest me, so there should be no shortage in what I can get over time. My plan is to collect the AES versions of more affordable games and the CD versions of the more expensive ones in order to get a little bang for my buck. I was wondering if those of you out there that are familiar wiith the system would provide some advice on whether or not I should delve into the AES market or just save cash and add a lot to my CD collection. To provide a little perspective on the matter, I probably will be able to afford the AES and about 6 to 7 reasonably priced games over the course of the summer. Should I take the plunge or play it safe with the CDs? Sorry for the rambling. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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