A place in Riverside, California. I took the day off to go to all the pawn stores and thrift stores within 40 miles of my house. It took about 7 hours and my routine of looking up a place in the map book, pulling up, briskly walking in, casing the joint, grabbing and bargaining and then leaving, throwing the bag in the back and taking off for the next place made the whole deal feel like I was robbin' banks.
Ah the good old days.
Anyway, one of the places I had on my list I had to frive by three times before I went in. It was clearly a skateboard shop. Oh well, I figure I'll go in and ask them where the video game store was. I go in and about 3 square yards of the store is skateboard equipment and the rest of the store was video games. Lots and lots of complete and boxed video games from the Atari 2600 through till the Dreamcast (and nothing newer). Sega CD games, "rare" tengen games, Lynx games. Just nuts.
I ended up getting about $400 worth of stuff from them but didn't go back. They over-priced everything and wouldn't really budge. Damn nice people though.
I've had a couple that have surprised me...
-Once, several years ago when I a)worked third shift in a factory, b)played in a band and c) still drank, a buddy and I stopped off at a Circle K to get a 12-pack of beer before going back to his house to jam. While there, we found a little stand of games. there was some decent stuff in there too, like the GotY edition of Morrowind. This proves that Bill & Ted were prophets when they said, "Strange things are afoot at the Circle K."
-We have a farm supply store here called Rural King (hooray midwest US!!!). A couple Christmases ago they had a bunch of games of all platforms on a spinner. They were "used" and not guaranteed to be complete. I feel kind of bad about passing up Metroid: Fusion from that sale though...
An interesting question,
I was in the South on business, and was invited to a clients for dinner and of course wanted to bring a bottle of wine, or scotch etc. As I looked around I came across a place called "Melvin's Liquor" walked in and had a look for something to bring as a gift, as I checked out through the bullet proof glass that incased the cashier I noticed a copy of Super Bomberman w/ Multitap behind the cashier above the cigerettes,
I inquired, and I was told if I wanted it I would need to buy another bottle of scotch. I did so and poof Super Bomberman was mine.
Last year I was staying with my grandparents in a village in the Netherlands, and I had to go down to the local pharmacy to pick something up. It was a pretty small place, with just a basket of DVDs as far as electronic entertainment went. While I was waiting in the queue, I flipped though the DVDs, and found a few copies of Project Nomads.
Incidentally, later on in the same village, I would find Mechwarrior 2&4, Vampire the Masqurade: Redemption, a big-box copy of Gunman Chronicles, and Metal Gear Solid 2 (PC), although in the more expected place of a toy store.
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